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21 FEBRUARY 2024
20.00-21.00 CET 

My SpiRituals

The first week of 2024 is almost over. For some of you, the beginning of the new year has not been very different from last year, but I know plenty of you had a completely different start because of life changing personal experiences: the loss of a loved one, divorce, moving to another place. These experiences force you to find a new way of living, of reshaping your life. 

Daily rituals create a framework for your life, offering a sense of stability and predictability in an otherwise chaotic world. These intentional, repetitive acts provide a sense of structure, meaning, and continuity that fosters a deeper connection with your SELF, nurturing your spirit and essence. And by doing so, you'll experience a deeper connection with others and the world at large. 

I consider rituals, even the smallest, a sacred act because rituals are more than mere routines; they are intentional and mindful acts that carry symbolic meaning and contribute to a stronger sense of self and your spirit, which in itself is sacred!


It’s all about allowing yourself to take care of YOU and to be present.

Your rituals don’t have to be complicated or long! Do what works for you and resonates with you. Don’t be too rigid, allow yourself to make changes. Life is a constant flow of situations and changes, so you may alter them along the way. Just find yourself a few you can stick to, no matter what happens. Personally, I have some non-negiotables: my morning rituals for example consist at least of having a proper shower, preparing a healthy smoothie and a "no rush 15 minutes" before I leave for work, and in Curacao I have the luxury of a daily morning swim in the sea!

I've never done New Year’s resolutions, since each day gives you a choice: the choice to move forward, to learn, to fall, to rise, to live, to love. To experience life your way. Everything in life starts with you, so should you need a resolution, let this be the one: “2024 will start with me and my SpiRituals”. Are you ready?


What will I offer in this free webinar?

  • An exercise how to attune to you and allowing yourself a moment of just being.

  • Practical tips for creating your rituals throughout the day: Rise, Roam, Retreat & Rest.

  • A worksheet for you to get inspired and started. 



Meeting-ID: 854 3926 9266

Password: 264811


Yes, I need SpiRituals!

Thank you!

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